Aug 2023

Ep 21 - Eric van Overbake: From door-to-door to TikTok fame: Eric’s adventures as a painter

Prime Painting is a painting company located in Charlotte, North Carolina, and surrounding areas. The owner, Eric van Overbake, has over 10 years of experience in the industry. The company has a popular Facebook page with over 600 followers, as well as a TikTok account with over 1 million likes and 30,000 followers. They are currently booked out for about two months and primarily rely on word-of-mouth and social media to generate business. Eric is looking to grow his business by finding more reliable employees and increasing the number of projects they take on. He is also excited about collaborating with others through TikTok. Overall, Prime Painting focuses on providing high-quality work and creating satisfied customers.

About the Business


“Quality over quantity has always been my motto. If you make a mistake, just tell them. It’s nice that my work is appreciated, but at the same time, it makes people really happy… The biggest surprise working for myself is that I actually work for my future self because that’s the person that I have to impress the most.”

1. Eric’s journey to becoming a painter and his passion for the job. 2. The biggest mistake Eric has made in his business - hiring people without seeing their work firsthand. 3. Eric’s surprising realization that he doesn’t work for his customers, but for his future self, which motivates him to focus on quality and long-term success. 4. How Eric determined pricing in the early days and how his process has evolved over time. 5. Eric’s use of social media platforms like TikTok to showcase his work and attract new customers, as well as his recent investment in a website with Topline Pro to further grow his business.


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